Great piece Michael - I have looked at AI quite a bit in relation to creativity and even got ChatGPT to create a Duran Duran musical which was acceptable. I think that there is a further differences between AI creation and human creation which is that AI does not appear to have the capacity to make a mistake that will create something new. It can only rely on what has been before so it is not going to create new ways of telling stories. In 1970 it would not have created the musical Company because it was essentially the first plotless musical and because that structure had not existed it would have had no point of reference.

AI is a useful tool for creatives in the same way that a word processor or CAD have been but does it really have ideas that connect?

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The whole notion of "ideas" doesn't apply to AI. It doesn't "think," it deals in symbols and patterns. As you say, it cannot create what isn't there and has no instinct to go against established thought.

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This is really interesting. Good one, Michael!

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